How did the Reserve Bank of Australia come to be? What is monetary policy?

what is rba

Just days out from the 2007 federal election, the Reserve Bank used its traditional Melbourne Cup Day meeting to lift official interest rates by a quarter percentage point to 6.75 per cent. The election of the Scullin government, just days before the Black Friday collapse of Wall Street in October 1929 that precipitated the Great Depression, resulted in a renewed effort to set up Australia’s central bank. Instead of banks sitting around a large table, working out every day how much they owe each other and then handing over great wads of cash, they use exchange settlement accounts at the RBA, which records their value. Central banks can also play the role of honest broker with commercial banks if there are issues that need to be resolved among competitors. Over the past year, the bank has been forced into lowering interest rates to an all-time low of just 0.1 per cent. It has also started buying government debt, creating close to $200 billion (with more to come) as it tries to strengthen the economy (see the section on jawboning, below).

History of the Reserve Bank of Australia

  1. “For some years the Board seemed to be blissfully unconscious of the need of help and almost to have resented the idea of any technical assistance as beneath its dignity,” he wrote.
  2. Every day, the RBA estimates the demand for these settlement balances.
  3. Any change to the cash rate target takes effect from the day following the announcement.
  4. During conventional monetary policy times, the supply of these balances are set to meet demand as close as possible to the RBA’s cash rate target.
  5. The meetings start on a Monday afternoon and conclude the following day.

For instance, a bank may need to borrow money from another bank to cover a loan or a payment for a very short period of time. The monies traded in the cash market are called “exchange settlement” balances, and are used to cover financial transactions between banks. We also operate the payment system that is at the centre of the movement of money in Australia. When money goes from one bank to another, say when you pay a bill to somebody who banks with a different bank, the money comes through the Reserve Bank. We are also constantly looking at innovations to provide Australians with the most efficient and secure ways to pay. For example, we worked with the banks to develop the New Payments Platform, which allows people to make payments in close to real time, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

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The agreement between the Treasury and the Reserve Bank places strict controls on access to the overdraft facility. The overdraft is used infrequently, generally to cover unforeseen shortfalls in cash balances. Then governor Ian Macfarlane, facing the House Economics Committee in August of that year, rejected complaints from members of the government and the public that monetary policy was being held hostage by high-priced bananas.

The Bank’s mission and key statistics

what is rba

The Governor appears twice each year before the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Economics, to answer questions on the Bank’s conduct of policy. Senior officers of the Reserve Bank also give speeches and participate in panel discussions on a broad range of topics related to its role and functions, including on monetary policy. Regardless, Fisher’s Labor government established the Commonwealth Bank by the Commonwealth Bank Act 1911, which came into effect on 22 December 1911.

The RBA Code of Conduct is a set of social, environmental and ethical industry standards. While the Code of Conduct originated with the electronics industry in mind, it is applicable to and used by many industries beyond electronics. “We actually know what the price of bananas are,” he said, becoming the only RBA governor to ever comment directly on banana prices. So confused was the bank that it asked the governor of the Bank of England to visit Australia. It had failed to meet its key metric – of holding inflation between 2 and 3 per cent – for almost six years while wages growth had slumped to near record lows. We are committed to supporting teachers and students who want to learn more about our activities and the Australian economy.

Commercial banks lend and borrow money among themselves in the “cash market”. The price on that money is the “cash rate”, targeted by the RBA – it cut the cash rate target to a record low 0.1 per cent last November. A central bank aims to maximise the performance of an entire economy. Sometimes that means slowing the economy or making it more difficult to take out a loan, or adopting policies that undermine the profit-making efforts of commercial banks.

Now there are questions about the RBA’s performance, its inflation target and whether it needs to change to deal with the post-coronavirus recession recovery. It has signalled rates will remain around their current level for years while it may extend its quantitative easing program into next year to help support the economy. In October 2017 the EICC became the RBA to reflect its expanded reach and influence. It was the first time a bank had increased rates during an election campaign, one in which the Howard government was arguing interest rates would go up under Kevin Rudd’s Labor Party. Then treasurer Peter Costello, in his autobiography, noted that prior to him taking the job, the treasurer of the day would announce an interest rate change.

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During the global financial crisis, the United States’ Federal Reserve took over insurance and financial giant American International Group over fears its collapse could irreparably cripple the global economy. Second, central banks act as the banker to the government (and to commercial banks). The Bank of England was founded in July 1694, primarily to fund the English crown’s war against France. The Reserve Bank’s also responsible for the stability of the financial system. We typically think of a stable financial system as one that is safe and helps money flow within the economy, even when there are disruptive events. One important way is by setting monetary policy that helps keep inflation low and stable and people fully employed.

It might surprise many people that despite the use of electronic payments increasing, there is still a lot of demand for banknotes, particularly as a store of value. For each meeting, the Bank’s staff prepare a detailed account of developments in the Australian and international economies, and in domestic and international financial markets. The Board meets eight times a year, following the release of key economic data on inflation and economic activity. The meetings start on a Monday afternoon and conclude the following day. It would take another 30 years before the Reserve Bank was separated from its private day-to-day banking activities. But the notion of a board made Trading central up of senior executives and people from the broader economy overseeing the bank had been planted and remains today.

The world has seen the other side of that coin over the past 12 months – so-called unconventional monetary policy. This can include taking official interest rates below zero (as a number of countries across the globe have done) or engaging in what is known as quantitative easing. This involves a central bank printing money to buy assets – usually government debt – in a bid to reduce interest rates on this type of debt. The money printed for the asset then flows into the economy where it, hopefully, increases overall economic activity. Two boards manage the RBA, the Reserve Bank Board, and the Payments System Board.

Since How many traders are successful the early 1990s, these objectives have found practical expression in a target for consumer price inflation, of 2–3 per cent per annum. Monetary policy aims to achieve this over an appropriate timeframe that depends on economic circumstances and, where necessary, balances the Board’s price stability and full employment objectives. In the long run, this is the principal way in which monetary policy can help to form a sound basis for long-term growth in the economy.

Many countries have legislation to deliver this outcome, though in Australia it is effectively achieved by agreement between the Treasury and the Reserve Bank. This arrangement means that there is separation between monetary policy and the Government’s debt management, with the Treasury directly responsible for the latter and the Reserve Bank responsible for the former. The inflation target is defined as a range rather than a number that must be achieved at all times. This formulation allows for the inevitable uncertainties that are involved in forecasting, and lags in the effects of monetary policy on the economy.

The Labor government of Andrew Fisher passed laws giving it control of our currency in 1910, outlawing state governments from printing notes and taxing private banks that did so. The next year, the government created its own trading and savings bank – the Commonwealth Bank. Through most of 2018, Reserve Bank governor Philip Lowe would say interest rates were more likely to go up than down when asked about the direction of monetary policy. This was effectively a warning to financial markets, businesses and people wanting to buy a home to expect a lift in borrowing costs. According to political economist Lyndhurst Giblin, when the bank’s board of directors were appointed by Page in 1924, they were given a blank sheet of paper to map out Australian monetary policy.

Anyone with a note or two in their wallet also has a reminder of the Reserve Bank’s other key function. The signature of the bank’s governor is on every note – it is the RBA that prints our colourful collection of currency. It is not possible to ensure that the Australian Government’s need for funds are exactly matched day-by-day by issues of securities to the market. To overcome this mismatch between daily spending and financing, the Treasury keeps cash balances with the Reserve Bank that act as a buffer. The Reserve Bank also provides an overdraft facility for the Government that is used to cover periods when an unexpectedly large mismatch exhausts cash balances.